Generally, around Veterans Day, I wear my hat to help call attention to Women Vets.

To this very day, women had to volunteer in order to serve our nation. I chose to follow their boot steps into the unknown.

I was Honorably Discharged from the Military Police Corps; the transition back into civilian life is still an ongoing process. The Army’s teachings and ways; changed me and I do still have a soldier residing in military bearing. I am sure you’ve met her on occasion.

The ribbons and rank are reminders about what kind of a soldier I became after I earned the right to wear the uniform of a soldier. I positioned them in the photo to serve as a point of reference for others who can read the symbols. I am one woman who served America for 6 years and I learned a great deal about human nature.

I do get thanked for my service and I am working on being more balanced within about it. I am always surprised how uncomfortable I feel during the moment of exchange. It’s important that I do it anyway. This part of homecoming took many years to come to fruition, and I am still wrapping my head around it. Back from tours of duty overseas; I stepped off the aircraft, knelt down in my Class A uniform to kiss the soil of home. I made it; and with only a few scars.

So, the other day. I was wearing my hat in the grocery store and was asked if I was finding what I needed. I said that I was just killing time before I can board my bus. The man said, “Carry on, then”. To a military person that means to resume what you were doing before. I stopped and asked the man if he had served. He replied that he hadn’t. I then told him what “carry on” meant to a service person. He said that it just slipped out. Amazing, isn’t it?

My boots left many steps for other women to find. May this Veterans Day find you safe from harm.